klinke-haraldHarald Klinke
Editor, International Journal of Digital Art History; Assistant Professor of Art History, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Dr. Harald Klinke, M.Sc. is currently teaching Digital Art History at the LMU Munich, Germany. He studied business informatics (Wirtschaftsinformatik) and art history, media theory, painting, philosophy in Karlsruhe, Berlin, Norwich (UK) and Göttingen, and received his Ph.D. at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. From 2008 to 2009, he worked as a Lecturer of Visual Studies (Bildwissenschaft) at the Art History Department at the University of Göttingen. From 2009 to 2010, he conducted research, supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, as a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, New York. In cooperation with the University of Mannheim and the Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, he designed a graphical user interface by means of 3D graphics, head tracking and touch input. He is Editor of the International Journal for Digital Art History and has been a speaker at international conferences on Digital Humanities and Art History (University of California, Los Angeles, University of Southern California, City University of New York, University of Maryland, University of Iceland, University of Malaga etc.)