A selection of symposium sessions are available to watch, below. Stay tuned for more, soon!
Wednesday, October 19
The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
Keynote lecture: Paul B. Jaskot, Professor of Art History, DePaul University: “Digital Art History: Old Problems, New Debates, and Critical Potentials”
Paul Jaskot: ‘Digital Art History: Old Problems, New Debates, and Critical Potentials’ from MITH in MD on Vimeo.
Welcome by Klaus Ottmann, Deputy Director for Curatorial and Academic Affairs, The Phillips Collection
Greeting by Bonnie Thornton Dill, Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities, University of Maryland
Introduction by Meredith J. Gill, Chair, Department of Art History and Archaeology, University of Maryland
Thursday, October 20
University of Maryland, College Park
Opening Remarks by Meredith J. Gill (University of Maryland, College Park) and Intergenerational Roundtable with five provocations (no more than ten minutes each) from early career and senior scholars from both museums and the academy. They will address: What was their entry point into digital work? What challenges did they face when they started? What are the fruits of their new ways of working?
Moderator: Matthew Lincoln (Getty Research Institute)
Participants: Alexander Brey (Bryn Mawr College and Dumbarton Oaks), Pamela Fletcher (Bowdoin College), Rodrigo Guzmán (City College of New York), Jennifer Henel (National Gallery of Art), Arthur K. Wheelock (National Gallery of Art and University of Maryland)
Lightning-round presentations of projects
Presenters: Ivo van der Graaff (University of New Hampshire), Richard Johnson (Cornell Tech), Mark Olson (Duke University)
Plenary: Group reflections and assessment of the challenges identified by the break-out groups, arriving at a consensus about the overall top five challenges of doing art history.
Roundtable: The Two Digital Art Histories including invited speakers from museums and the academy. Prompts: how do digital projects manifest differently in these institutions? What challenges do they face? How do digital methods reshape the conversations they have with each other?
Moderator: Anne Collins Goodyear (Bowdoin College Museum of Art)
Participants: Jim Coddington (MOMA), Eleanor Fink (American Art Collaborative), Sheila Hoffman (Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne), Elizabeth Honig (University of California, Berkeley), Alison Langmead (University of Pittsburgh), C. Griffith Mann (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Friday, October 21
University of Maryland, College Park
Recap: the top five challenges facing practitioners of digital art history, as determined on day one of the proceedings.
Roundtable: Institutional Perspectives including invited representatives from the realms of publishing and research institutes. Prompts: How do we support and sustain digital art history projects? How do we assess digital scholarship? In what ways are our conclusions aligning with our emerging discussion, and leading to next steps?
Moderator: Sheila Brennan (Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University)
Participants: Petra Chu (Seton Hall University and Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (NCAW)), Beth Harris and Steve Zucker (Smart History), Harald Klinke ( Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and International Journal of Digital Art History), Trevor Owens (Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)), Emily Pugh (Getty Research Institute)