honig-elizabethElizabeth Honig
Professor, Department of Art History, University of California, Berkeley

Elizabeth Honig teaches the art of early modern Europe at U.C. Berkeley. She is the editor of http://www.janbrueghel.net/ , a catalogue of the works of Flemish painter Jan Brueghel, as well as the author of Jan Brueghel and the Senses of Scale (Penn State, 2016); coming next are pieterbruegel.net and Pieter Bruegel and Human Nature in the Renaissance (Reaktion, 2018/19). She is also the organizer of OpenArt, a drupal-based art cataloging platform now in the beta-testing phase. Honig teaches several Digital Humanities classes, possibly with more enthusiasm than expertise: her current class, “Humanists on the Move,” is notable for its (creative) chaos.