
Please enjoy the September 2016 edition of Quadrivium, hot off the presses!

You can access the new issue here.

Quadrivium is a monthly digest of digital art history news produced by  Lindsay Dupertuis, a Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland, College Park. Quadrivium aims to share interesting projects and new tools in digital art history (DAH) and digital humanities (DH) with a broad audience of readers.  It is supported by the Michelle Smith Collaboratory for Visual Culture, located within the Department of Art History and Archaeology.


Call for Applications, Symposium: Art History in Digital Dimensions

We are seeking 15 participants, including 5 graduate students, to join in the conversation with 25 invited contributors. We aim to engage a multi-generational cross-section of the art-historical community, including senior, mid-career, and emerging scholars, as well as a wide range of institutional perspectives, from higher education to museums. Ideal participants will have experience from the academy and/or museum in art-historical research practices that intersect with the digital realm.

To apply, please submit a CV and a personal statement (maximum of 500 words) that describes your involvement in and ambitions for digital art history, with particular attention to the perspective you might bring to the symposium as an engaged participant. Send materials in a single PDF file to dahdimensions@gmail.com by May 30, 2016. Participants will receive funding for travel and accommodation.

Please feel free to contact us at dahdimensions@gmail.com if you have any questions.