Samantha Deutch
Assistant Director, Center for the History of Collecting, The Frick Collection and Frick Art Reference Library
Samantha Deutch is an assistant director at the Center for the History of Collecting, The Frick Collection, Frick Art Reference Library, and as an art historian, librarian, and provenance expert is interested in digital art history. She is the author/editor of the Center’s award winning Archives Directory for the History of Collecting, — it is this work which has led her to her current project of mapping the New York City art market. She is a co-coordinator of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLISNA) Artist Files Special Interest Group, and the sub-committee chair for ARLIS/NA’s Sotheby’s Institute of Art Research Award—last year’s winner was a Digital Art History project working with provenance data at The Getty Research Institute’s, . Additionally, she serves on the Steering Committee of the New York Digital Art History Group (NYC-DAH), and has been working collaboratively on developing tools for image analysis.