
Quadrivium is a monthly digest of digital art history news produced by  Lindsay Dupertuis, a Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland, College Park. Quadrivium aims to share interesting projects and new tools in digital art history (DAH) and digital humanities (DH) with a broad audience of readers.  It is supported by the Michelle Smith Collaboratory for Visual Culture, located within the Department of Art History and Archaeology.

You may download Quadrivium: Issue 2 here.



Quadrivium is a monthly digest of digital art history news produced by  Lindsay Dupertuis, a Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland, College Park. Quadrivium aims to share interesting projects and new tools in digital art history (DAH) and digital humanities (DH) with a broad audience of readers.  It is supported by the Michelle Smith Collaboratory for Visual Culture, located within the Department of Art History and Archaeology.

You may download the first issue of Quadrivium here.